Earlier this year, Peter High wrote on Forbes.com about an interview he had with Clay Johnson who currently is the CIO of Walmart. Although the topics of discussion weren’t specific to end-user computing risk management, I found Clay’s lessons learned from his early experience at FedEx to be very applicable to my work focused on Model risk and EUC risk management.
What I learned from Walmart’s CIO about EUC Risk Management . . .
Clay explained that the first of his lessons learned in that entry level IT role was that you need to “understand the business better than the business itself”.
In other words, you need to understand the work process before you can utilize technology to improve it.
In that first project he didn’t have that knowledge and, in his words, “the project failed miserably”. “Nobody took the time to learn the business” and “we made assumptions” that in the end proved to be “not even close”. When working towards reducing end user computing risk, one will be affecting a work process that has evolved to be exactly what the business needs/wants. If you don’t understand that process, and your controls or other governance initiatives degrade rather than improve that process, your initiative will probably fail as well.
His second takeaway was to “learn from your failures”. In my career, that means try not to make the same mistake twice.
Although this experience is somewhat generic, I believe it is very relevant to EUC risk management as I continually see companies repeat the same mistakes over and over. We see this not only between companies, but within the same company itself. In regards to reducing the inherent risks of models and other end-user controlled applications, these repeated mistakes usually take the following forms;
On one hand, these lessons learned represent simple, common sense. Nonetheless they are often forgotten when it comes to establishing more effective controls in order to reduce model and end-user computing risk. My two adaptations of Clay’s lessons to the risk world can be summarized as follows;